Adobe Incopy Bildungswesen (EDU) Erneuerung Englisch 12 Monat( e)

Incopy f/ All Multiple Platforms, EU English, Licensing Subscription, Renewal, Vip, Education, Education Named, License Named, Level 1, 1-9, 1 year
Hersteller: ADOBE
Verfügbarkeit: 100 auf Lager
Artikelnummer: 2263E5V
Herstellernummer: 65276687BB01A12
€60,02 inkl. Steuer
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InCopy CC. Collaborate with copywriters and editors.<br><br>What can you do with InCopy?<br><br>InCopy lets copywriters and editors style text, track changes and make simple layout modifications to a document while designers work on the same document simultaneously in InDesign — all without overwriting each other’s contributions.<br><br>Get inspired. Get hired.<br>Build a following and follow other inspiring artists — and even find your next professional opportunity — on Behance, the world's largest creative community.
InCopy CC. Collaborate with copywriters and editors.<br><br>What can you do with InCopy?<br><br>InCopy lets copywriters and editors style text, track changes and make simple layout modifications to a document while designers work on the same document simultaneously in InDesign — all without overwriting each other’s contributions.<br><br>Get inspired. Get hired.<br>Build a following and follow other inspiring artists — and even find your next professional opportunity — on Behance, the world's largest creative community.
LizenztypBildungswesen (EDU)
Unterstützte SprachenEnglisch
Lizenzterm12 Monat( e)
Lizenzebenenkauf erforderlich1-9 Lizenz(en)